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بازی مخالف یک سرگرمی آموزنده دو زبانه (انگلیسی / فارسی) هست. هدف در این بازی پیدا کردن کلمه مخالف با دیگر کلماتی است که در یک دسته موضوعی قرار دارند و

16.93 MB

Try to complete the next game from a developers of the popular puzzle: 100 Doors Seasons! You are planning a trip to New Year or Christmas? Then this

33.68 MB

Space STG 3 - Empire of Extinction is a sequel to the intergalactic strategy game. It’s tactics & strategy game that recaptures and improves on the ma

18.16 MB

Create lines with 4 or more hex blocks of the same colour to clear them. Can you keep placing all the pieces on the hex grid while leaving enough spac

9.83 MB

Game Store is a one-stop game solution for Android devices. Get games from a wide range of categories including racing games, action games, adventure

4.17 MB

Todos os enigmas podem ser resolvido sem a dica paga. Pesquisar é importante. Caso trave em alguns enigmas, basta apertar o botão de dica, após assist

10.02 MB

Break lines and earn points with Block Classic. From now on, let's enjoy a simple and addictive puzzle game! Once you start, you'll be hooked. It is c

14.75 MB

スタイリッシュな脱出ゲームです。 スタイリッシュに脱出してください。 ※補足 ・アイテムを選択後、虫眼鏡をタップするとアイテムの詳細が分かります。 ・フォルダマークをタップするとセーブです。 ・エンドは1つです。 ※注意 ・ヒントはいいですが、答えのネタバレは、やめてください。 ・完全攻略サイトの構

4.44 MB

Welcome to the Icomania world!!! Here you will have more than 900 cartoons to quiz, they are all imaginative and handcrafted cartoons! Can you guess a

9.95 MB

Jewels Switch is free classic adventure match 3 puzzle game for Android devices. Play through levels where with each completed level the difficulty in

13.3 MB

Beat the boredom with the mind-boggling Cricket Players Jigsaw Puzzle Game and welcome the fun factor by solving the missing pieces. All you need to d

31.21 MB
Dames X - Jeu de dames 3.9.0032.dcheckersfr

"Jeu de dames" est le jeu de stratégie que tout le monde connaît, et ce avec les bonnes règles (damier 10x10, prise en arrière, ...). Avec ce logiciel

7.67 MB

◆セガが贈る、新感覚ボード型パズルRPG◆ カワイイキャラが大暴れ! 三国志の壮大な物語をスマホでいつでも楽しめる、全く新しい三国志パズルRPG! 「さんぽけ~三国志大戦ぽけっと~」(さんぽけ)が登場! ◆武将をグリグリ動かすのが気持ち良い!◆ 4人の武将でデッキを組み、指で武将をグリグリ動かして、

68.98 MB

Colorful Mystery Days! This game brings you brand new experience of Match-3 puzzle with fun adventure! Help Lily and her lovely friends solve series o

87.41 MB

策略為王,激鬥戰場,《推搡英雄》歡樂來襲!重新定義不一樣的三國之旅! 各路猛將齊登場,征服天下全靠推!獨特推搡碰撞+迫力出局玩法,帶給你全新的樂趣。即刻下載,激情盡在指尖!遊戲特色 精緻美術風格 濃郁國風搭配Q萌人物,風格鮮明的畫面及視覺效果誠意呈現,為你帶來夢幻般的三國世界。 獨特戰鬥玩法 傳統卡

57.68 MB

Flow Connect:Free Color is the best puzzle game ever ! Just Draw Line and try to solve each puzzle in connect Flow Free. it’s easy and super fun , hel

17.4 MB

Esta app é para uso exclusivo dos membros da Target Multimídia e seus colaboradores e clientes. Antes de fazer o download da app, certifique-se de que

37.45 MB

Become the best actor in this spectacular matching game! Help Quinn to become the Queen of Drama by switching and matching your way to success. Play a

39.55 MB

Entertain your children with “cute puppy puzzles for kids for free” and their smiling faces will warm up your heart! You can easily achieve this if yo

11.31 MB

◆◆◆ 全ての戦国ファンとストラテジー好きがハマる ◆◆◆ ・戦国時代が舞台の本格軍勢バトル! ・最強の布陣と最高の戦略を駆使して天下を獲ろう! ・日本中のプレイヤーと対戦/バトル!(PvP) ◆◆◆ 人気声優の迫力ボイス ◆◆◆ ・第一線の声優陣・迫力のボイスが戦いを盛り上げる! ・迫真の武将・バ

27.85 MB