taringa! 0.19.8 [free]


taringa! Your space to be who you want to be. We unite your passion, your style and creativity for content, the connections that generate real value and freedom. We promise a
lot, but not more than your president.
For more than 18 years we have generated culture throughout Latin America, we immortalized iconic moments that exploded the Internet, we made a canon to the Scorpion matero,
and we even invented a unique language among taringueros. Discover us; we made history Now we are back to continue making history, get on the taringueta!
By downloading this new app, you will find:
QUALITY CONTENT: Where "quality" is defined by the taringueros. Our loyalty is to our community and we trust your good taste, perhaps too much. Let them define quality.
DIGITAL REPUTATION: Tired of vain influencers. Here everyone is worth and creates their reputation. It's up to you who you want to be, no matter the number of followers, or
likes, or anything. All smoke.
VALUE CONNECTIONS: Stop talking to someone for commitment. If you like something, reward it; if you have an opinion, share it. Without fear.
QUALITY MONETIZATION: If you contribute to the platform, you will be rewarded. Now with little, but it's up to everyone to do a lot.
Note: the web version is still alive. Will we pass all the content to the app? Who knows… Use it first and then we'll talk when we're having a drink.
taringa! It is designed for people over 13 years of age and, although we have robust content moderation, its use is at the discretion, taste and palate of the user.
Any feedback is welcome at [email protected]

Old Versions

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  • App Name: taringa!
  • Category: Social
  • App Code: net.taringa.mobileapp
  • Version: 0.19.8
  • Requirement: 5.0 or higher
  • File Size : 15.28 MB
  • Updated: 2023-08-25