Thousands of sights in one place – explore Hungary with the help of our trip planner. We have collected the sights of Hungary which are recommended to visit if you plan a
Discover the cultural, historical and travel offers of Hungary. You can call the institution directly from our app or plan your trip using its features. You can search for
specific keywords or towns and select the categories you are interested in. The app can display every sight around your current location or near the town you search for,
so it is simple and easy to make a list of the places and institutions you plan to visit. Among the sights, there are museums, mansions, churches and chapels, castles and
ruins, natural attractions, industrial heritage sites, visitor centres, educational trails and narrow-gauge railways waiting for you to visit. The app contains the
descriptions of 300 educational trails.
Featured sights: Budapest, Lake Balaton, Hévíz, Hortobágy, Lake Tisza, Eger, Visegrád, the Danube Bend, Sopron, Pécs, Debrecen, Szeged, Lake Velence and its
If you prefer outdoor recreation, you can find numerous beaches and open-air swimming pools, exhibitions, recreation centres, zoos, arboretums and botanic gardens in our
app. We also have offers for those who enjoy cycling or hiking: under the Entertainment and leisure option, there are many cycle routes and plenty of useful information
for those who are interested in the Countrywide Blue Tour.
More than 7000 hotels, pensions, apartments, guesthouses and campsites can be found in our database along with their most important information and contact details. You
can even check their prices and available rooms. In addition to sights and hotels, we have also collected restaurants: you can numerous find pastry shops, cafés,
restaurants and fast-food restaurants.
We regularly update the details of the festivals and events organised in the areas surrounding the sights.
The app’s main features still do not require Internet connection.
New in version 2.0:
- The significantly increased content is now divided into the following category groups: sights, hotels, restaurants, entertainment, events. Each group has its own search
- Improved search: you can search either for a name or town in the different category groups. When searching for a town, the range can also be specified.
- Search is further simplified by the Around here feature, which displays a list of sights, hotels, events or restaurants around the position determined by the mobile
- The results of the search can be displayed on the map or used in a navigation app to get directions.
- With the help of the Nearby feature, you can search for additional sights, hotels, restaurants or events around the current item.
- If you like a sight, you can send it to your friends via e-mail, text, or other messaging services available on the device by tapping the Forward button.
- Your opinion can be very helpful and valuable for the other users – this is why specific aspects of sights, hotels, restaurants and events can now be rated.
- Show the tour guide – By tapping the Show the tour guide button on the page of an educational trail, its guide can be downloaded to your device and will also be
available for offline use.
Please help us improve the app by using the Report an error feature if you find an error in the application.
If you know a sight that is missing from our app, you can use the Suggest a sight feature to tell us about it.
We hope you will find our app useful.
Old Versions
- 09/27/2022: Sights of Hungary 4.17.1583.en
- Report a new version
- App Name: Sights of Hungary
- Category: Travel & Local
- App Code: hu.infotec.SightsOfHungary
- Version: 4.17.1583.en
- Requirement: 2.3 or higher
- File Size : 15.8 MB
- Updated: 2022-09-27