Unofficial Zabbix Agent 4.4 [free]


This is an unofficial Zabbix Agent for Android. It currently supports the following item keys :
agent.hostname : agent hostname as specified in app's preferences
android.manufacturer : manufacturer of the device
android.model : model of the device
app.foreground : package name of the current foreground app (not supported on Android >= 5.0)
app.running : json formated list of running apps (not supported on Android >= 5.0)
gps[] : output location of the device (latitude/longitude/altitude/accuracy in json)
gps.latitude[] / gps.longitude[] / gps.altitude[] / gps.accuracy[] : output location of the device (latitude/longitude), altitude, accuracy (in meters) as a float
net.carrier : network carrier name
net.connectivity: device connectivity, one of 2G, 3G, 4G[if,]
net.roaming : whether device is currently in roaming
net.signal_strength: signal strength in dBm (mobile network, not wifi)
net.wifi.bssid : MAC of the BSSID the device is currently connected to using WiFi. You need to enable access to GPS/Location query in app settings and enable GPS in your
device for Android > 8.0.
net.wifi.status : 1 = wifi connected, 0 = not connected
net.wifi.ssid : name of the currently connected SSID. You need to enable access to GPS/Location query in app settings and enable GPS in your device for Android >
net.wifi.signal : wifi signal strength, from 0 (low) to 4 (great)
power.source : one of "ac", "usb", "wireless", "unplugged"
power.status : one of "charging", "full", "discharging"
proc.cpu.util[] : cpu usage in % for specified process name, you need to have a rooted device for this item to work
proc.mem[]: memory usage in byte for the specified process name, you need to have a rooted device for this item to work
sensor.light : light sensor value in lux
sensor.proximity : proximity sensor value in cm
sensor.temperature : temperature sensor value in °C
system.cpu.num : for big.LITTLE CPU, only number of CPU in active cluster will count
system.cpu.freq[number,type] : get cur/min/max CPU frequency for specified core number
system.hostname : device's hostname
system.uptime : number of seconds since device boot
vm.memory.size[total] : total memory in MB
vm.memory.size[free] : memory available in MB[host,,][host,,]
Please let me know if you need any other key.
You can also add your own UserParameters in the settings, so you can call custom scripts to return any data you need.
You might need to disable battery optimization for this app as it will put the app in sleep mode and won't be able to send data to zabbix server.
I created this agent from scratch so it may contain bugs, just email me if you find one so that I can fix it quickly, thank you.

Old Versions

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  • App Name: Unofficial Zabbix Agent
  • Category: Tools
  • App Code: fr.damongeot.zabbixagent
  • Version: 4.4
  • Requirement: 4.0.3 or higher
  • File Size : 2.04 MB
  • Updated: 2020-06-12