PC365 Nhân Viên - Chấm Công 1.2.7 [free]


The PC365 App for employees will be a useful tool for shippers to quickly and easily time and record their work and receive their travel route.
With today's shipper, the timekeeping and route management need to be conducted in a uniform way to bring maximum convenience. App PC365 allows delivery staff to conveniently
time attendance, confirm their own travel route and promptly update their orders on the system. All functions are integrated and encapsulated with only PC365 app.
1. Fast face recognition
Punch clock 365 uses Face ID in timekeeping and employee recognition. Therefore, the timekeeping becomes much faster and simpler. Especially when the face recognition speed of
PC 365 is extremely high and has great accuracy.
2. Track attendance history regularly
Keeping track of your attendance will become simpler with the Attendance History function provided in PC365. Employees can track their attendance for the day's shifts and the
month's timekeeping in a very convenient way.
3. Determine the schedule of each day
For shippers, each day, the move will need specific schedules. This helps the delivery staff to shape their own route so that it is most convenient and suitable for their work.
App PC365 will help determine the schedule of each day become more systematic and clear.
With the Work Schedule function, the shipper can know the scheduled, in-progress, completed and canceled schedules based on each confirmed schedule status. Each established
schedule will have specific information about the address of each point in a schedule. Along with that are attached notes to ensure the schedule is completed in the best
4. Update detailed schedule history
To keep track of their schedule more accurately, shippers can update information via Schedule History. Here, PC365 will provide a history of your schedule by day or by day of
the month. In addition, it is the division of the schedule with 2 statuses: Completed and Canceled. This makes capturing the schedule much more convenient.
5. Update jobs easily
Every day, shippers will have their own specific jobs and need to be updated in time to ensure progress. PC365 built Get a Job with today's job feature to help delivery workers
get a quick look at their day's work.
The jobs are built with a specific timeline table, from time to job content and attached status. In particular, with a detailed view of each job, employees can more accurately
understand their duties, the people involved in their work, and the notes they need to know in the process of doing the job.
Here, employees can build their own tasks to complete to complete the common work, related documents or need to use. Finally, updating the status of the job is completed or
there are still small unfinished jobs, ...
The jobs that are updated with the status will be put in the corresponding boxes such as Tasks done, To-dos in progress and To-dos canceled. Based on each different status,
employees can easily know the work progress as well as the number of their jobs in each specific state.
6. Exchange faster
App PC365 allows employees to chat quickly on the app with Messaging function. Building group messages or private messages is easy on PC365.
Besides texting, calling can also be made on PC365. PC365 allows employees in the same company to connect with each other more quickly and conveniently than ever before.
Find prestigious jobs at: https://timviec365.com/

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  • App Name: PC365 Nhân Viên - Chấm Công
  • Category: Travel & Local
  • App Code: com.timviec365.employee
  • Version: 1.2.7
  • Requirement: 5.0 or higher
  • File Size : 35.65 MB
  • Updated: 2022-10-24