Inning Eater (Baseball Game) 1.5.2 [free]


1. Inning Eater is a baseball game for competing with worldwide users and batting skills, where you can explore a wide variety of achievements and a multitude of
2. It's not as easy as just hitting the ball, with restrictions and movements that are similar to real life! Try a multitude of challenging balls like the four-seam,
two-seam, curve, slider, changeup, splitter, and screwballs!
3. Inning Eater isn't just a batting game, it uses multiple weight/gravity levels for the pitcher. This allows you to target and use a pitcher's various in-depth
4. The batting eye of Inning Eater is fun and amusing. Pick out your ball, hit a strike, and earn yourself a high score!

Old Versions

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  • App Name: Inning Eater (Baseball Game)
  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • App Code: com.teammew.inningeater
  • Version: 1.5.2
  • Requirement: 4.1 or higher
  • File Size : 83.72 MB
  • Updated: 2018-10-08