Precipitation radar uses real-time precipitation radar image information to check precipitation by using it for precipitation forecasts!
Understand the weather and precipitation, farming!
Information provided
-Japan Meteorological Agency precipitation radar information
-Providing radar information every 2-3 minutes
-Convenient check for moving radar information by time.
-Self-position can be confirmed.
-Precise precipitation forecasts by checking accurate regional precipitation radar information.
-Add radar information in the form of overlays on Google Maps.
Source: Weather Radar Center
Understand the weather and precipitation, farming!
Information provided
-Japan Meteorological Agency precipitation radar information
-Providing radar information every 2-3 minutes
-Convenient check for moving radar information by time.
-Self-position can be confirmed.
-Precise precipitation forecasts by checking accurate regional precipitation radar information.
-Add radar information in the form of overlays on Google Maps.
Source: Weather Radar Center
Old Versions
- 09/30/2022: 降水量レーダ ー 明日の天気予報 1.1.00
- Report a new version
- App Name: 降水量レーダ ー 明日の天気予報
- Category: Weather
- App Code: com.teamhj.japanweather
- Version: 1.1.00
- Requirement: 6.0 or higher
- File Size : 9.89 MB
- Updated: 2022-09-30