Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Matematika SMP / MTs Kelas VIII Semester II Kurikulum 2013. Aplikasi ini di buat untuk memudahkan siswa belajar matematika
dimana saja dan kapan saja.
BSE kurikulum 2013 merupakan buku gratis yang hak ciptanya dimiliki oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) yang dapat disebarluaskan ke masyarakat secara
Fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam aplikasi ini adalah:
Bab 6 Teorema Pythagoras
Bab 7 Lingkaran
Bab 8 Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Bab 9 Statistika
Bab 10 Peluang
Tags : BSE Matematika, Kelas 8 Semester 2, Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), TaepaKarae Studio
Electronic School Books (BSE) Mathematics SMP / MTs Class VIII Semester II Curriculum 2013. This application was created to help students learn math
anywhere and anytime.
BSE curriculum in 2013 is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) that can be disseminated to the public for
The features available in this application are:
Chapter 6 Pythagorean Theorem
Chapter 7 Circles
Chapter 8 Build Space Flat Sides
Chapter 9 Statistics
Chapter 10 Opportunities
Tags: BSE Mathematics, Grade 8 Semester 2, junior high schools (SMP), MTs (MTs), TaepaKarae Studio
dimana saja dan kapan saja.
BSE kurikulum 2013 merupakan buku gratis yang hak ciptanya dimiliki oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) yang dapat disebarluaskan ke masyarakat secara
Fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam aplikasi ini adalah:
Bab 6 Teorema Pythagoras
Bab 7 Lingkaran
Bab 8 Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Bab 9 Statistika
Bab 10 Peluang
Tags : BSE Matematika, Kelas 8 Semester 2, Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), TaepaKarae Studio
Electronic School Books (BSE) Mathematics SMP / MTs Class VIII Semester II Curriculum 2013. This application was created to help students learn math
anywhere and anytime.
BSE curriculum in 2013 is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) that can be disseminated to the public for
The features available in this application are:
Chapter 6 Pythagorean Theorem
Chapter 7 Circles
Chapter 8 Build Space Flat Sides
Chapter 9 Statistics
Chapter 10 Opportunities
Tags: BSE Mathematics, Grade 8 Semester 2, junior high schools (SMP), MTs (MTs), TaepaKarae Studio
Old Versions
- App Name: Matematika SMP Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013
- Category: Books & Reference
- App Code: com.taepakarae.bukumatematikasmpkelasviiisemesteriik13
- Version: 1.4
- Requirement: 4.0.3 or higher
- File Size : 24.51 MB
- Updated: 2019-07-28