Skolla adalah aplikasi belajar online yang dapat membantu proses belajar siswa seperti kamu. Tersedia bagi pelajar SD, SMP, SMA bahkan Alumni. Kami
berdedikasi membantu anak Indonesia mendapatkan hak akses pendidikan yang dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajarmu!
Menyambut tahun pelajaran 2021/2022, Skolla hadir dengan fitur-fitur berikut ini:
⚡ Tryout Instan
Cobain tryout UTBK versi instan di aplikasi Skolla. Kamu bisa ngerasain versi singkat tryout UTBK atau Ujian Nasional melalui fitur ini.
Tryout Serial
Latihan sesuai urutan? Tryout serial berikan kamu urutan terbaik untuk mudahkan belajarmu
Tryout Terjadwal
Mau simulasi ujian berkualitas? Ikuti jadwal Tryout bersama Skollamate secara nasional ada disini!
Bank Soal
Selain fitur tryout di atas, kamu bisa mengakses ribuan bank soal tryout UN, UTBK, hingga Ujian Mandiri di fitur Bank Soal yang membantu kamu kembali memahami materi
pelajaran. Soal yang dibuat Skolla seru dan nantangin abis!
Video Pembelajaran
Mau ngejar materi yang belum dikuasain? Konten video pembelajaran dibuat sesuai dengan kurikulum pendidikan yang resmi diberlakukan pemerintah. Kamu bisa akses video
pembelajaran yang isinya materi mulai dari kelas 4 SD hingga 12 SMA di fitur ini.
Masih belum paham? Tenang aja, pengajar Skolla siap bantuin kamu! Kamu bisa konsultasi pelajaran dan jurusan dengan pengajar mana aja yang kamu mau.
Tes Pemantapan Materi
Yuk evaluasi hasil belajarmu. Sudah sejauh mana kamu memahami materi yang dipelajari?
bahan bacaan ringkas yang akan membantu kamu untuk memahami materi pelajaran tertentu dengan lebih mudah dan cepat.
Live Class
Belajar langsung sambil ngomongin materi pelajaran sampai persiapan ujian apa pun!
Dengan Skolla, kamu bisa mendapatkan video pembelajaran, variasi soal sebanyak-banyaknya, dan konsul dengan pengajar berpengalaman kapan pun dan di mana pun. Kamu juga bisa
mengakses pembahasan soal yang komprehensif yang dibuat oleh pengajar pengalaman lhoo.
Hanya lewat satu aplikasi, kamu bisa belajar online kapan dan di mana aja. Yuk, unduh Skolla sekarang!
Skolla is an online learning application that can help the learning process of students like you. Available for elementary, junior high, high school and even
alumni students. We are dedicated to helping Indonesian children get access to education that is designed according to your learning needs!
Welcoming the 2021/2022 school year, Skolla comes with the following features:
⚡ Instant Tryout
Try the instant version of UTBK tryout in the Skolla application. You can experience a short version of the UTBK tryout or the National Examination through this
Serial Tryout
Exercises in order? The serial tryout gives you the best sequence to make your learning easier
Scheduled Tryouts
Want a quality exam simulation? Follow the national Skollamate Tryout schedule here!
Question Bank
In addition to the tryout feature above, you can access thousands of banks for UN, UTBK, and Mandiri tryout questions in the Question Bank feature which helps you get back
to understanding the subject matter. The questions that Skolla make are fun and really challenging!
Learning Videos
Want to pursue material that you haven't mastered? The content of the learning video is made in accordance with the education curriculum officially enforced by the
government. You can access learning videos with materials ranging from grade 4 SD to 12 SMA in this feature.
Still don't get it? Don't worry, Skolla teachers are ready to help you! You can consult lessons and majors with any teacher you want.
Material Consolidation Test
Let's evaluate your learning results. To what extent have you understood the material being studied?
concise reading material that will help you to understand certain subject matter more easily and quickly.
Live Class
Study directly while talking about the subject matter to any exam preparation!
With Skolla, you can get instructional videos, as many variations of questions as you can, and counsel with experienced teachers anytime, anywhere. You can also access
comprehensive discussion questions made by experience teachers.
Only through one application, you can learn online anytime and anywhere. Come on, download Skolla now!
berdedikasi membantu anak Indonesia mendapatkan hak akses pendidikan yang dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajarmu!
Menyambut tahun pelajaran 2021/2022, Skolla hadir dengan fitur-fitur berikut ini:
⚡ Tryout Instan
Cobain tryout UTBK versi instan di aplikasi Skolla. Kamu bisa ngerasain versi singkat tryout UTBK atau Ujian Nasional melalui fitur ini.
Tryout Serial
Latihan sesuai urutan? Tryout serial berikan kamu urutan terbaik untuk mudahkan belajarmu
Tryout Terjadwal
Mau simulasi ujian berkualitas? Ikuti jadwal Tryout bersama Skollamate secara nasional ada disini!
Bank Soal
Selain fitur tryout di atas, kamu bisa mengakses ribuan bank soal tryout UN, UTBK, hingga Ujian Mandiri di fitur Bank Soal yang membantu kamu kembali memahami materi
pelajaran. Soal yang dibuat Skolla seru dan nantangin abis!
Video Pembelajaran
Mau ngejar materi yang belum dikuasain? Konten video pembelajaran dibuat sesuai dengan kurikulum pendidikan yang resmi diberlakukan pemerintah. Kamu bisa akses video
pembelajaran yang isinya materi mulai dari kelas 4 SD hingga 12 SMA di fitur ini.
Masih belum paham? Tenang aja, pengajar Skolla siap bantuin kamu! Kamu bisa konsultasi pelajaran dan jurusan dengan pengajar mana aja yang kamu mau.
Tes Pemantapan Materi
Yuk evaluasi hasil belajarmu. Sudah sejauh mana kamu memahami materi yang dipelajari?
bahan bacaan ringkas yang akan membantu kamu untuk memahami materi pelajaran tertentu dengan lebih mudah dan cepat.
Live Class
Belajar langsung sambil ngomongin materi pelajaran sampai persiapan ujian apa pun!
Dengan Skolla, kamu bisa mendapatkan video pembelajaran, variasi soal sebanyak-banyaknya, dan konsul dengan pengajar berpengalaman kapan pun dan di mana pun. Kamu juga bisa
mengakses pembahasan soal yang komprehensif yang dibuat oleh pengajar pengalaman lhoo.
Hanya lewat satu aplikasi, kamu bisa belajar online kapan dan di mana aja. Yuk, unduh Skolla sekarang!
Skolla is an online learning application that can help the learning process of students like you. Available for elementary, junior high, high school and even
alumni students. We are dedicated to helping Indonesian children get access to education that is designed according to your learning needs!
Welcoming the 2021/2022 school year, Skolla comes with the following features:
⚡ Instant Tryout
Try the instant version of UTBK tryout in the Skolla application. You can experience a short version of the UTBK tryout or the National Examination through this
Serial Tryout
Exercises in order? The serial tryout gives you the best sequence to make your learning easier
Scheduled Tryouts
Want a quality exam simulation? Follow the national Skollamate Tryout schedule here!
Question Bank
In addition to the tryout feature above, you can access thousands of banks for UN, UTBK, and Mandiri tryout questions in the Question Bank feature which helps you get back
to understanding the subject matter. The questions that Skolla make are fun and really challenging!
Learning Videos
Want to pursue material that you haven't mastered? The content of the learning video is made in accordance with the education curriculum officially enforced by the
government. You can access learning videos with materials ranging from grade 4 SD to 12 SMA in this feature.
Still don't get it? Don't worry, Skolla teachers are ready to help you! You can consult lessons and majors with any teacher you want.
Material Consolidation Test
Let's evaluate your learning results. To what extent have you understood the material being studied?
concise reading material that will help you to understand certain subject matter more easily and quickly.
Live Class
Study directly while talking about the subject matter to any exam preparation!
With Skolla, you can get instructional videos, as many variations of questions as you can, and counsel with experienced teachers anytime, anywhere. You can also access
comprehensive discussion questions made by experience teachers.
Only through one application, you can learn online anytime and anywhere. Come on, download Skolla now!
Old Versions
- 04/26/2022: Skolla 1.0.1
- Report a new version
Free Download
Download by QR Code
- App Name: Skolla
- Category: Education
- App Code: com.skollaedutech.skolla
- Version: 1.0.1
- Requirement: 5.0 or higher
- File Size : 40.21 MB
- Updated: 2022-04-26