簡化字練習 1.2 [free]


簡化字練習 收錄了五百多個簡化字(簡體字),針對現有繁體字的用家,有效學習簡化字的閱讀和書寫 如果你是繁體字的使用者,又想學習簡化字,參考一下中國官方發表的”簡化字總表”會是一個很正確及有效率的選擇. 在這程式中,我們收錄了1986年總表中的538字: 表1(全) - 不可用作簡化偏旁 (350字) 表2(全) - 可作簡化偏旁用 (132字) 表3(部份) -以第表二字和十四個簡化偏旁的類推簡化字 (17字) 表4/附錄(全) - 異體字(39字) 本練習主要使用楷書字體作為字帖,盡量接近毛筆字,使學生能夠從每一筆劃的形態,了解字的結構,這是電腦火柴字不能提供的 本練習有提供不同的輸入設定給手指/手寫筆的使用: 手指– 寫字較易,但精確度低 / 筆 – 要求書寫精確度高 練習裏有不同程度的提示幫助學生,而且有每個字的進度記錄,在沒有提示下完成練習可得到三星評分 另外,學生如果只想學習簡化字的閱讀,不練寫,也可把程式作為記憶卡(Flashcard)使用 近代的漢字簡化可追溯到太平天國的年代,當時的百多個簡化字,大部份到現在還在使用呢 快來努力學習,在過程中尋找更大的樂趣 學習簡化字好處多!在旅遊,閱讀,工作上也很有幫助.好像,香港中學的測驗/考試也可以簡化字作答…書寫速度應可快30%吧. (不過,建議以繁體字為學習基本的學生,還是到中學階段才學習簡化字,以免混淆) 早於2002年,香港教育局已提出指引,學生應掌握認讀簡化字的能力。
-------------------- Learning Tools for Simplified Chinese Characters Covering over 500 Chinese Characters, for student to learn each stroke-by-stroke. *** All content and interface in the app are in Chinese only *** Especially fit for native Traditional Chinese learner who seeking for a way to learn reading and writing of the Simplified Chinese characters also. This app covered over 500 characters announced by China official channel in year 1986. With the usage of script font in this exercise, calligraphy style of characters helping students to understand word structure, which is helpful for stroke practice. This exercise providing different input setting to the finger / stylus input user: finger - writing easier, but less accurate stylus - writing with more accuracy required There are different levels of exercise tips to help students, and a progress record for each characters. (3 stars would be awarded for successfully writing a character with hints.)

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  • App Name: 簡化字練習
  • Category: Education
  • App Code: com.lionrock.SimpWriting
  • Version: 1.2
  • Requirement: 2.3 or higher
  • File Size : 36.8 MB
  • Updated: 2022-09-27