My Name Ringtone Announce 2.0.1 [free]


My Name Ringtone Announce is very useful app in a situation like claustrophobia are driving and the phone is in your pocket or in the other room and
someone is calling. This Ringtone Caller Announcer app will announce the Caller Name. This is very useful app in all situations while you are driving, working or busy in
anything this Caller Name Announce will help you & you can pick your phone quickly if the caller is very important for you and you are already waiting for this caller.
My Name Ringtone Announce announces the name from you contact list if the number is already saved in your phone contact list, if the number is not saved then it will
speaks the number is unknown or the new caller. By using this app you will identify the Caller without looking on your smart phone. This my name ringtone announcer uses
the built in feature of android Text-To-Speech
• My Name Ringtone Announce Announces the Contact Name and Number if already saved
• If the contact is not saved then speaks Unknown Caller & number
• Now when Call comes you mobile tells you who is the caller and number
• Mobile Speaks the Caller Name
• Enable / Disable the Caller Name announcers
Disclaimer: All assets are used for reference purpose only let us know if you found anything?

Old Versions

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  • App Name: My Name Ringtone Announce
  • Category: Tools
  • App Code:
  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Requirement: 4.1 or higher
  • File Size : 5.43 MB
  • Updated: 2020-02-02