Το μικρόβιο της Ζήλ…, Μ. Χατζή [free]


The germ of jealousy, Bob Smith
Children's book
ISBN (ebook-digital book): 978-618-5040-50-5
December 2013
Publications Saito
In a small but famous bakery are all cooperating with love.
A day comes, secretly, awesome bug jealousy.
Since that day, life changed in the oven ...
How accomplishes the microbe to become the boss there?
And how they can all be rid of it?
A fairy tale about a germ different from the others, which can even sneak in your house or in your classroom.
Read this story and you'll be ready to deal.
The Bob Smith is a graduate of the department of English Language and Literature of Aristotle. It is also a self-taught artist, designer crafts (children and adults), handmade
jewelry and mikrodiakosmitikon. Deals with Creativity (Creative Crafts and Creative Writing) for fifteen years.
Now no longer works as an English teacher. He devotes much of his time in the events of municipal libraries in the municipality of Thessaloniki, where voluntarily participating
laboratories with different creative activities (construction and creative writing) primarily for children, but also presentations of methods and techniques of creative crafts
for adults. He also writes articles and instructions for handmade items online, in English. Voluntary participation in the events of libraries, as well as the writing of this
mini e-book with Creative Commons License is offering social work (no financial benefit for itself) in an effort to promote the cre ...
Teknetzi Joanna, daughter of author Mary Hatzis, is a student at the department of Chemical Engineering at Aristotle University.
The drawing and painting, along with a host of other creative activities, are a favorite pastime.
Maria Hadji-Joanna Teknetzi
Editor-Corrections, Layout, Composition cover:
Konstantina Charlavani
k.charlavani @ gmail.com
Application Development Android:
Anthony Panoris
automon.android @ gmail.com
Publications Saito
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website: http://www.saitapublications.gr
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Happy reading

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  • Updated: 2022-09-28