Affinity Education 1.2 [free]


our one-stop destination for updates on every major management, medical, engineering, and proficiency exam. Also, access our vast catalog of classes, mock tests, previous year
papers, and overall mentorship guidance.
The NMC introduced the FMGE/ NEXT Exam for foreign medical graduates and it is a licensing test for students to practice in India. This exam is conducted for the applicants who
have completed an MBBS degree from foreign medical universities.
It is a centralized common exam for all medical graduates, applicants need to qualify to practice or join the postgraduate program in medicine. The main to conduct the
examination is to meet the following needs.
Management Entrance Exam
Help yourself narrow down your focus to the main management entrance exams in the country. Not just that, get all the relevant information on each exam, from the pattern to the
eligibility and much more, all in one place.
Engineering Entrance Exam
Everything you need to know about the most important and prestigious Engineering entrance exams in India is now collated and presented in one place, HERE. Know about everything
from the eligibility, pattern, and dates, among other things regarding each and every exam.
Medical Exam
The primary pan-Indian medical examination that every medical aspirant needs to pass in order to be eligible for undergraduate medical admission in India and abroad. Get a
headstart on all the important factors like the eligibility, process, fees, and various other details to make your eventual journey easier.
Students looking to study abroad need to pass these few proficiency tests before. However, the pattern and syllabus can often be confusing. This page lays down the most common
such tests and explains them in a comprehensive way.
You’ll have a clearer picture of the exams and how to approach them once you’re done here!

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  • App Name: Affinity Education
  • Category: Education
  • App Code: com.affinityeducation
  • Version: 1.2
  • Requirement: 5.1 or higher
  • File Size : 9.48 MB
  • Updated: 2022-11-21