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TransPorter - это мобильное приложение для перевозки грузов, эвакуации легковых автомобилей и мотоциклов. Приложение полностью свободное, так что любо

16.2 MB
Telepod 33

Book an e-scooter and zip around Singapore effortlessly! Explore and travel in a refreshingly new way at just $0.09 per min. It's hard to say no to th

55.43 MB

Traveling experiences become magical and incredible with Soso Waka You will be free of traveling hassles: *Planning all travelling activities at finge

9.77 MB

Important: the application can work without Internet connection! This is a unique application where you can choose better map for your region, use nav

5.06 MB

- GPS Speedometer - Speed Tracker free application. - Track your traveling speed by GPS Speedometer. Features: - Your speed will shown in animating Sp

2.16 MB
Caronaê 3.0.2

O aplicativo oficial de caronas da UFRJ O Caronaê é um sistema de código aberto, seguro e prático de caronas compartilhadas, composto por pontos de ca

7.52 MB

Take a photo of printed text, and this app extracts the text and translates it for you. More than 100 languages supported. *Free trail of 6 images and

8.47 MB

Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda dalam mengatasi masalah pada rangkaian kelistrikan mobil anda, diantaranya : 1. STARTING & CHARGING SYSTEM - BATTERY,IGNI

4.66 MB

What is it? This app is a viewer for passes - a pass could be a e.g. boarding-pass for your next flight, a coupon for a nice hot beverage on the desti

2.91 MB

GoCar Malaysia is a car sharing platform where you can reserve, unlock, and access a car anytime from your smartphone by using our app — an alternativ

14.76 MB
GlaD Driver 0.8.3

GlaD Driver adalah aplikasi khusus untuk para mitra dengan berbagai layanan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pengiriman barang, antar pelanggan ke

11.74 MB

Aplicativo de mobilidade urbana voltado para os taxistas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, visando fortalecer a prestação de serviços da cate

29.4 MB
Longdo Map 1.2.0

Longdo Map - the local map of Thailand. Access to the largest crowdsourced POIs information in Thailand! In addition to basic street info, traffic inf

7.2 MB

O SPTaxi é o aplicativo oficial da Prefeitura de São Paulo para solicitar corridas de forma fácil e segura. Você define o endereço de destino e como d

14.03 MB
Tak A Trip 1.18

Tak A Trip was built with the needs of travelers in mind: you can use it to compare fares from hundreds of airlines and agencies, allowing you to get

11.85 MB

Live Roads, is a revolutionary mobile navigation platform featuring Full Detail 3D Cars, HD Maps and Lane-Level Navigation. The app empowers users to

79.93 MB

Digital Nomad? Freelancer? Indie dev? Blogger? Just love coffee shops?? Then Coffee-Working is for you! Coffee-Working help's you find the best places

7.29 MB

全国各地のICカード乗車券の「残高照会」「履歴確認」を中心に、カードによっては「改札履歴」「チャージ履歴」「ポイント履歴」などを確認できる、高性能なアプリケーションです。 電子マネーの履歴や残高照会にも対応しています。 乗降の履歴、チャージの履歴、残高を、「正規にNFCに対応した」スマートフォンやタ

7.63 MB

Save yourself the worries or extra kilometres that may lie ahead as you do your Camino de Santiago (Saint James Way) with this new app! A hostel that

24.92 MB

AzNav is an application that is installed on your phone, GPS-navigator and / or tablet. This application is for route planning, implementation and nav

76.15 MB