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Totals 9099 Download Version
ScreenPop 1.0.13

Introducing the fastest way to communicate. Pop a pic to your friends' lock screens and it will be the first thing they see.★ From the creators featur

9.69 MB
Giza 1.6.8

Feedback is always welcome! Twitter: twitter.com/laknockWe will keep making app stable and add more new features.Thank you very much for using Giza!Ma

2.91 MB
KakaoGroup 2.6.4

KakaoGroup lets you share your moments selectively with your KakaoTalk group chatroom members. Get started now to stay connected with just the right p

13.05 MB

716.45 KB
Grab 1.3.0

Enhance your Instagram experience with Grab for Instagram (formerly Instagrab), an Instagram companion app that brings new functionality and allows yo

23.29 MB
人人mini 2.3.0

38.19 MB
Flashgap 20.0

Flashgap, create and share the best stories lived together 
Best moments are built, lived and shared with friends. So make them count with a unique aw

7.43 MB
AnFetion 1.1.0

166.71 KB
手机QQ 2011

[Software introduction] Mobile phone QQ(Android)is Tencent designed for Android platform users to create anywhere to chat QQ mobile phone instant mes

4.53 MB
Jiepang 5.1.0

Jiepang – city life, friends, food, travel, music, movies, events, weibo, blog, journalJiepang 5.0 is here, check out how we’re redefining the check i

15 MB

Now with full Google Voice support!Easily manage text messages in a new and up to date format compliant with the Android design guidelines and visuall

7.04 MB

164.4 KB
Talon 4.5.3

6.64 MB

82.03 KB
Beme 1.0.26

Is a simple and unpretentious to share the best moments with others. Using this app, you can open the best moments of your movie and taken it to shar

15.35 MB

5.21 MB
脸萌HD 1.0.1

脸萌 for Pad,感觉自己萌萌哒~ [最美应用]与[AppSolution]官方推荐,36氪、爱范儿等知名媒体报道。 「脸萌HD」是一款非常有趣的拼脸软件,即使你不会画画,也可以轻松制作你的专属卡通头像。

22.58 MB
Slingshot 1.0.1

Slingshot is the best way to share life as it happens. Filter, draw and caption fullscreen photos and record looping videos, then sling them to your f

5.15 MB
好奇喵 7.2.0


7.06 MB
TapDeck 4.4.0

★ Smart Device? Smart Wallpaper.TapDeck turns your wallpaper into a gateway of content discovery.• Double Tap to change your wallpaper. • Swipe Up to

9.05 MB