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Totals 20433 Download Version

Aplkasi belajar bahasa isyarat adalah aplikasi untuk belajar bahasa isyarat yang dimulai dari huruf. Membantu belajar dan membaca huruf, dilengkapi de

4.93 MB

Check out the new free Python 3 IDE that uses GCC plugin, Pydroid 3: https://goo.gl/7B3B1u WARNING! It's not a standalone application and it doesn't c

48.14 MB

This anki overdrive app (flashcards maker) can import and upload your word list directly to Google Sheets. You can check the words on Google Sheets ed

4.52 MB

This is a simple and easy-use app to Simplify/Minimize Boolean expressions, Solve Karnaugh Maps ,Simulate Logic Circuit , Generate Truth-Tables of Boo

6.3 MB


31.5 MB
课程格子 10.2.4

课程格子是一款专门为大学生设计的课程表、学习安排APP,我们已经陪伴数千万大学生走过三个学期。春节来临,祝同学们新年快乐,好好享受寒假吧:)◈App Store官方2012年度精选应用 ◈全国3000所高校全覆盖,1000万节大学课程数据 ◈同步高校教务系统,一键导入课程表 ◈千万大学生

13.28 MB
古诗词典 2.8.11

这是一款拯救文艺退化症的古诗词应用,帮你秒懂古诗词。在学习诗词时可阅读数十万首诗词,涵盖各类诗词场景,帮助你全方位掌握诗词的注解和译文。 ※这是2015年首部最全的古诗词典,儒雅内涵的诗词大全是文艺鉴赏的最佳选择!古诗词典收录了近10万首诗词,使用权威的注解译文,典雅的中国风视觉盛宴,每次打开都有一

21.81 MB
牛客 3.7.2


30.66 MB

Centro Educacional Ângela Clara! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores po

11.1 MB

Activator for windows provides you the best, simple & secure procedure to activate windows operating system in you computer. The operating system incl

4.49 MB

Akuntansi Terakreditasi 208/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2014 Manajemen Terakreditasi 1133/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2015 Puji dan Syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat

8.41 MB

This is the largest Spanish - Russian offline dictionary available in Google Play Store. This dictionary contains 225.000 words, which are very divers

3.62 MB

Plagiarism Checker - the most trusted plagiarism detector app is now available for your android device! For your android device, our wonderful Plagiar

14.2 MB

【25000+ 5星评价,3000万沪友的选择】你想轻轻松松就记住单词吗?你想玩着游戏就提高外语水平吗?你想跟好友一起学习进步吗?这些美好的愿望,沪江开心词场统统都能帮您实现!游戏化背词体验,好友PK大战,排行榜激励机制,社团讨论吐槽…在这里背词,除了收获更好的自己,最重要的是你还会很开心!主要功能

69.92 MB

内容提要- 百度汉语词典致力于做更智能、权威、便捷的汉语词典工具。以弘扬中华文化为宗旨,推广汉语学习,为广大汉语的用户提供便利。- 词典收录词汇多达三十多万条,囊括了K12学习常见字、生僻字、词语、成语、网络词汇等。- 词典查询支持问答检索、语音、拍照、部首笔画等多种方式,满足不同场景需求;- 词典

54.3 MB
西窗烛 4.1.0

一个被苹果公司推荐了17次的至美应用,古典文化,现代传承。 【所获荣誉】* AppSo 2016 年度十佳应用* App Store 优秀新App、热门App、精选教育App* App Store 专题「古典文化 现代传承」「琴棋书画」「各学段适用 App」收录【应用简介】- 中国诗词大会必备 Ap

72.72 MB

知米听力由知米英语诚心出品,是已获得百万级下载量和好评的“知米背单词”的姐妹产品。知米听力从“听”入手,传达“听是语言学习的最佳途径”的理念。根据语言教育权威专家Krashen教授等人的研究,有效的听力训练需遵循以下原则:1. 选择比自己听力能力稍高的听力材料。2. 听文章时力求听懂每词每句。3.

25.52 MB

The application provide islamic history of the prophets made by great Islamic scholars the like of Mufty Ismail Menk. Some audious has history of more

96.29 MB

Buddy4Study is India’s largest scholarship platform which makes education affordable by connecting scholarship and education loan providers with seeke

11.53 MB
Gomobile School App

Our gO-mobilE (Parent & Staff App) & Web - Based (School Admin System) smart technology fully bridges the gap between the school administrative system

30.58 MB