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TeluguBible 5.3.6

TeluguBible is an amazing way to read & study the Telugu Bible in telugu language.This app displays text in clear telugu font. Has interface to browse

9.71 MB

What do you Fear? Find out from our extensive list of Phobias, the inner fears that have been troubling you all these years. Maybe you hate spiders or

6.67 MB

The “ Great Quran ” helps you always recite the Quran. In view of the fact that Muslims are highly interested in reciting the Quran and learning its t

77.65 MB

Devotional Bible was developed to assist all readers of God's word to get a proper understanding of the bible by outlining each verse in various versi

16.91 MB

English Grammar In Marathi,In this Apps you can learn Alphabet use, Word and Sentence use, Parts of Speech use, Noun use, Gender use, Number use, Pron

14.13 MB

Jika anda saat ini sedang mencari informasi mengenai tafsir mimpi untuk bermain togel, maka anda datang ke tempat yang tepat pasalnya pada kesempatan

8.88 MB

Ilmu Pelet Wanita Ini Sama sekali tidak memberikan efek yang buruk bagi diri sendiri dan bagi wanita yang sedang anda pelet. Dan hal menariknya lagi j

8.76 MB

Jika mantra tersebut dibacakan sebanyak 11 kali pada tiap-tiap menjelang tidur di atas jam 11 malam diyakini lelaki pengamal mantra ini akan dapat mew

8.69 MB

Says salaam like Assalamu 'alaikum (as-salāmu 'alaykum) in arabic and many more. You can share text to any messenger contact like whatsapp, line, tele

2.86 MB

A highly accessible, easy to use app version of the Constitution of Nigeria the supreme law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with it's 1st, 2nd and

7.7 MB

Ilmu Penakluk Wanita Sejagad adalah suatu ilmu untuk menaklukkan atau menudukkan sukmanya seseorang. Dengan ilmu ini insya Allah wanita yang galak, so

8.56 MB

The 14 books included are: 1) Sahih Bukhari صحيح البخاري - Hadith collected by Imam Bukhari (d. 256 A.H., 870 C.E.) 2) Sahih Muslim صحيح مسلم - Hadith

19.75 MB

যে সকল হাদিস গ্রন্থ আছেঃ ------------------------------------------------- ১. সহিহ বুখারী ২. সহিহ মুসলিম ৩. আবূ দাউদ ৪. তিরমিজী ৫. ইবনে মাজাহ ৬. সহিহ

43.73 MB

আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম,সম্মানিত ভাই ও বোনেরা আপনারা যারা নিয়মিত হাদিস পড়েন তাদের জন্য যে সকল হাদিস গ্রন্থ আছেঃ ------------------------------------------

43.66 MB

Скачать версию без рекламы можно по ссылке - https://clck.ru/CJwiv Приложение представляет собой удобный справочник по правилам дорожного движения РФ,

10.37 MB

"Mai bine să înceteze soarele călătoria sa, decât să înceteze citirea Psaltirii." - Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur În era tehnologiei moderne este necesar ca Sf

8.36 MB

În era tehnologiei moderne este necesar să existe cartea de rugăciuni sub forma unei aplicații mobile. În acest fel, creștinul preocupat de mântuirea

3.79 MB

Parallel Bible - Old Testament in Hebrew and English - New Testament in Greek and English A wonderful Bible for daily study of God's word. Now you can

21.02 MB

Listen to high quality Arabic audiobooks and experience your favorite books like never before. Kitab Sawti's audiobooks are recorded and narrated by p

15.36 MB

Indonesian Dictionary is offline English-Indonesian dictionary application and vice versa . In addition, users can also use an online translation for

5.78 MB