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Pass Pin Lock Screen Pass Pin Lock Screen is best lock screen application, to help you protect your privacy, prevent others trying to access your phon

5.93 MB

This theme belongs to HD Phone 6 i Call Screen OS9, please download it here at first: https://goo.gl/b3KvPBMake your phone calling screen look incredi

2.38 MB

Real Piano Real Piano is a ground breaking app cum game for child that enables visual learners to compose, edit and play their own music on included k

6.68 MB
Real Drum 1.1

Real Drum Real Drum is a learn with fun application cum game!!!!Have you ever think you are an owner of a musical band? If yes then your dream will be

8.55 MB

Incoming Call Announcer Talker Incoming Call Announcer Talker speaks or announces the incoming caller name on incoming call. Incoming SMS also be anno

3.07 MB

Wire Size Calculator is calculator to measure the size of wires or cables. The user enables to get the use of the calculator through either from a mob

5 MB
Fluke 2.7

Fluke ist ein führender Hersteller von Mess- und Prüfgeräten. Die Fluke Messfibel App bietet Ihnen ein breites Wissen rund um die Mess- und Prüftechni

7.12 MB

Features :- - Average power demand of buildings. - Power consumptions - Power factor calculator. - Watt-VA calculator. - Amp to KW-KVA calculator. - K

1.95 MB

With this application it is possible to do electrical calculations very fast and effective. Perfect for physics in school or for academic uses on univ

2.28 MB

>Calculates the power in DC and AC electrical circuits. >AC Circuits includes single and three-phase. >Calculates real, reactive and apparent power. >

1.19 MB

For any given two values, this application calculates different power parameters for single and three phase AC power source. This application supports

1.47 MB
ELcalc+ 2.4

BS7671 CABLE SIZE CALCULATOR This Application is designed to assist the user, whilst using The IEE regs (BS7671) to determin correct cable size. This

1.11 MB

ELECTRICAL 3 PHASE POWER CALCULATOR A useful application for any electrician / engineer. Calculates Power (kW), Current (A) and Power Factor from any

1.06 MB

An application that will quickly give you an answer for the daily tasks you will be asked to do for any electrical Engineer/Technician, the app contai

4.53 MB

বর্তমানে যেকোনো দামের সাথে যে সকল চার্জ নেওয়া হচ্ছে ঃ ১। ১৫% মূল্য সংযোজন কর (VAT), ২। ৫% সম্পূরক শুল্ক (SD) এবং ৩। ১% সারচার্জ নেওয়া হচ্ছে। বিভিন্ন ই

1.02 MB
Visibility 1.7.0

This Fluke app is intended to be used by Fluke personal all over the world to inspect Fluke displays and write store reviews.

24.1 MB

Here are few sounds and noises a Guinea Pig can make. They make these noises when they are hungry, romancing, happy, annoyed, complaining and afraid o

4.43 MB

Power Conversion Calculator A simple and easy-to-use unit converter to handle any conversion you'll ever need. The beautiful Material Design user inte

5.64 MB

Calculate your electric power consumption by month, 1/4 year, 1/2 year or year and estimate your deduction! Get your meter readings calculated into po

1.68 MB
StromTracker 2.1.1

Das bietet die App: • Einlesen des aktuellen Zählerstandes über die Kamera des Smartphones oder manuell wann und so oft Sie möchten • Einfacher Überbl

19.23 MB