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Totals 294710 Download Version

The application is designed to help people who smoke to control and reduce the number of cigarettes they consume. Every new cigarette is registered by

762.61 KB

With this app you can control a ledstrip and 8 digital outputs on the Elektor WiFi control board (150402). change the color of the ledstrip using the

1.1 MB

Use HabitTracker to track as many countable habits as you have in your life. Count how many push up yous can do, how many sit ups, how often you take

6.98 MB

First upgrade your module(esp-01) modified sdk 0.9.4 dht11 control firmware on the web link. and Android connected the AP. And then start the app. Thi

1.51 MB

The easiest way to visualize Arduino Sensor-Data directly on your Android-Device in REALTIME! The App is able to display the values of up to 10 Sensor

2.78 MB
BEsmart 3.3.2

BEsmart - Home Automation and Smart Energy Management Service Platform BEsmart service platform allows users to monitor and manage the energy consumpt

16.34 MB
Stop Smoking 1.0.0

This is the Quit Smoking App! Please read the -full description- to understand and figure out what's the goal of this App. Quit Smoking examines your

17.97 MB
Blink 0.1.0

This project is fairly early stage. It only supports dimmable lights as of now. ** Will only work with a rooted hub, please see github for details. Fe

1.11 MB

8.26 MB

The App has the following features. - Ability to change the switch name. - Connect using bluetooth or wifi. - Ability to control up to 7 switches. If

2.32 MB

Be always up to date with a state of your IoT devices connected to Thingspeak! You don't need to start an app every time you want to know your senros'

1.45 MB

This App use ESP8266 WiFi Module to control RGB LED with NETPIE Cloud Service. So,you need external hardware and program in to ESP8266 Wifi Board. and

3.23 MB
RemoteYun 1.0.7r

RemoteYun is an application that will allow you, after you create an account on "remoteyun.com", to remotely control all the Arduino Yun pins over Int

1.5 MB


5.61 MB

Вспомогательный набор инструментов для настройки и поиска МК esp8266 в локальной сети. Приложение работает только с прошивкой распространяемой в проек

11.03 MB

Aplikasi Pengontrolan Lampu Taman Dan Air Mancur, Namun Ini Juga Bisa Digunakan Untuk Pengontrolan Alat-alat Elektronik Lainnya Juga

1.36 MB

Do your fundraising on the go with your Walk to End Lupus Now application. Update your page, send emails, and check your progress – all from the palm

4.64 MB

La mejor guia para aprender a cepillar tus dientes ! 100% GRATUITA y de Acceso Libre ! Cepillarse los dientes es muy importante. Usted debe cepillarse

274.93 KB

We all know Asthma is a disease that affects the passage of air between the lungs. Asthma is an itching disease where if you are careless, it can even

2.42 MB

Die App goDentis-ZahnHelden sorgt bei Kindern für mehr Spaß beim Zähneputzen. In einem kurzen Film sehen Eltern und Kinder, wie Zähne nach der KAI-Met

93.68 MB